
1 min readJun 20, 2021


Motorcycle modification
Before having SIM D, said Wardi as he is familiarly called, he felt uneasy when driving on public roads when he wanted to go selling on his motorbike which had become a tricycle.

His daily life as a toy seller goes to schools, making him always pacing the streets in Bandarlampung City every day.
“The motorcycle that I brought to sell toys, I have modified it into a tricycle. After Rp. 3 million, I modified this Beat motorbike, I put it on the back for toy merchandise,” he said.
By having this SIM D, he continued, now he no longer has feelings when he sees police officers conducting vehicle raids on public roads.

“Alhamdulillah, calm down now that you have this SIM D, so you don’t have to worry anymore if there are vehicle raids on the road. If other vehicle documents such as STNK and BPBK are complete, only the SIM was not available,” he explained.



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